
How to uninstall avast antivirus from pc
How to uninstall avast antivirus from pc

how to uninstall avast antivirus from pc

The only program installed or removed in the past two weeks was Avast. Tonight I started a second game, one I had been playing up until a couple of weeks ago, and it also was slow loading.

how to uninstall avast antivirus from pc

I initially thought the designers must have added content, slowing the loading, because it was happening on both computers, home network, phone wifi, and off network. I had just gone back to a certain computer game at this time and the game took forever to load the game. So last week I ended up uninstalling Avast from both my computers. However pop up windows kept coming up, urging me to re-enable. I disabled it on both my computers but I figured I could safely ignore it. It's not a warm fuzzy feeling when you count 25 copies of the Stellaris exe files in the virus vault and that is about the same number of times you had to reinstall it. I figured out that the reason why I kept having to reinstall my Steam games is the exe files kept ending up in the virus vault.

how to uninstall avast antivirus from pc

My music folder is empty.Ī couple of months ago Avast ticked me off. My internet activity is forums like this one, Steam and GOG. My laptop is almost never connected to the internet. Even pictures I will use "copy image" and copy to Paint unless I'm certain "save as" won't be bad. First, I don't download stuff from the internet unless I am absolutely certain, with trusted mainstream sites verifying it.

How to uninstall avast antivirus from pc